Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Billy Joel, Elton John, and The Newcomer

As some of you may have noticed, two of the world's permiere Rock/Pop pianists are coming to Utah in the near future.  However, you probably don't know about the incident last week when they both came to Ben for some musical advice.  When Sir Elton asked Ben about the advantages of "light-up sparkly stars on the keyboard," Ben simply smiled and said, "DaDaDADADadaDAdaDA."

How true, Benjamin...  How true...


Joan said...

You're so witty, Jessie! My blog text pales next to yours.

The Fullertons said...

I'm so glad you have joined the blogging world! I'm excited to keep up the the Turner family events :~) You can check out our blog at www.blfullerton.blogspot.com

Crystal said...

I'm so glad you have a blog. I can't believe Ben is so BIG! Congratulations

Higley's said...

Horray for having a blog!!!